Major Milestones
Promoter of Taiwan’s Industry Development
Taiwan withdrew from the United Nations in 1971 and in the same year, the Senkaku Islands dispute broke out. Diplomatic ties between Taiwan and Japan were severed in 1972. In the following year, the global oil crisis caused oil prices to skyrocket, leading to economic inflation and recession in Taiwan. Dr. Yun-Suan Sun, the then Minister of Economic Affairs, realized that Taiwan needed to take action to avoid falling far behind. To address the challenges, Dr. Sun proposed merging the Union Industrial Research Institute, Union Mining Research Institute, and Metal Industry Research Institute into one research organization that could operate as an independent legal entity. Not being constrained by the red tape of the public sector, such independent organization would have more flexibility in talent acquisition, salary, and management.
On August 10, 1972, the draft of the Industrial Technology Research Institute Establishment Act was received by the Legislative Yuan. Despite opposition from many legislators, Dr. Sun took the time to explain the idea behind this Act and successfully persuaded the legislators. The Act was eventually passed on January 25, 1973 and on July 5 the same year, the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) was officially established.
August 10 - The Industrial Technology Research Institute Establishment Act was submitted to the Legislative Yuan.
January 25 - The Legislative Yuan had passed the Industrial Technology Research Institute Establishment Act. The Presidential Order was issued six days later.
July 5 - ITRI was officially established. Dr. Chao-Chen Wang was appointed by the President of Taiwan to serve as ITRI’s first Chairman and President.